Cat family

There are 36 members of the cat family. They range from the South American oncilla, which is half as big as a domestic cat, to the siberian tiger, which grows to 12ft (3.7 m) long, but they have many features in common. All are hunters, most species eat nothing but meat, most are shy and live alone, and many are nocturnal.Cats hunt in simaler ways-stalking their prey then attaking in a sudden rush, wrestling their prey to the ground and killing it with a sudden bite at the neck or throat. Most cats use their razor-sharp claws to hold prey, all exept cheetas pull in their palls so they do not become blunt. Cats have tiny muscles in its tongue so it can change its surface. They groom themselfs or there young with a smooth tongue and scrape and the skin off their prey with a rough tongue.Sixteen species of cat are endangered, and humans are the biggest threat to their survival.

Dog family

Dogs were among the first carnivores, and their way of life, as well as some features of their anotomy, still resembles that of their ancestors of 40 millon years ago. They are hihly adaptable animals and are able to take advantage of the new habitats and feeding opportunities. Of the thirtyfive species of wild dogs that have now almost spread to every part of the world, 27 species are small, solitary foxes, while the remaning 8 species are social that hunt in packs. No matter how they live, all dogs have features in common: keen sight, hearing and smell; strong sharp canine teeth; and special scissorlike molars(carniassial teeth) that are used for tearing flesh. Dogs are mainly carnivorous, but they also eat incects, fruit, snails and other small prey. Some dogs have in open grassland, and one species the gray fox of North America, even climbs trees in search of food.


The chameleon' tongue is about as long as its body. Once the chameleon sees its prey, it shoots out its tongue with deadly aim. Not only is the chameleon's tongue sticky but just before it strikes, the tip twists, creating a suction-cup pad. This gives the chameleon's tongue on super-grip. Then the tongue recoils, carring the pray in its open mouth.FUN FACT A chameleon is able to move each of its eyes sepretly. That lets it look in two different directions at once, scanning for prey and predators.