
This site is about all different kinds of animals.It is called All About Animals.If you would like to go to this site again go to www.Allaboutanimals.weebly.com. If you have any questions please email me at all about animals/weebly.net Please include your email so I can write back.Thank You!


Deer and Cattle live from the Artic tundra to the southeast Aisan rainforest.Deer and Cattle are herbivores and eat fruit,grass,and leaves.There are 38 species of deer and 128 species of cattle.Cattle Sheep and Goats have horns that grow throughout their lives.Cattle have very efective digestive systems.The water deer of asia has tusks,most male deer have antlers that are shed each winter and grow again in spring.The male Water Deer will fight with their antlers and the strongest will control the herd.

Seals and Walruses

Seals and Walruses

Australian sea lions hunt squid or fish together.Superbly adapted to life at sea,they can swim a month or so after being born.When they dive,their heartbeat slows from about 100 beats a minute to as low as 10 beats a minute.Walruses are social animals that gather in colonies of up to 3,000 in the breeding season.A fully mature male walrus, which can reach 12ft (3.65) in length, may have a harem of as many as 50 females.Male seals,sea lions and walruses become very territorial in the breeding seson.They fight each other for the chance to breed with females which they control in groups called harems.FUN FACT did you know A male walrus's tusks can grow to 2ft 3 inch (68cm) long Walrus's use their tusks to rake shelfish from mud in shallow waters, to pull themselfs out of water onto icefloes, and to battle other males for control of females.